Exception Education.
Exceptional Value

The first thing to remember about success is that it is a process nothing more, nothing less. There is really no magic to it and it’s not reserved only for a select few people.


Father Saturnino Urios College of Bayugan, Inc. is a co-education “Catholic” institution. Its philosophy is to inculcate an ABIDING FAITH in God thru the
Gospel Values for the enrichment of the student’s Christian life. Hence, to be of SERVICE to GOD’s kingdom, family, county and fellowmen.


A Christ-centered apostolate committed to form persons into becoming authentic
and holistic stewards.


With Mary our model, we commit ourselves to:

1. Produce civic, spirited and globally competitive graduates;
2. Inculcate gospel values to all stakeholders; and
3. Manage available resources for the sustainability of our institution.


In support of our Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives, the institution upholds
and promotes the following:

F –aithfulness: show constant support in all activities of the governance
S-ervice: reach out to all communities
U-nderstandingness: execute policies effectively and efficiently
C-ompetence: provide avenue for academic excellence
B-enevolence: make disposition to do good
I-ndustriousness:carry out the centralization for management to ensure the
provision of quality catholic education